
If you should need to contact Iowa Pathology Associates for a billing question or concern, please call our billing service at (515) 270-1260 or (877) 879-1366. The billing service can be of assistance if you need to notify us of an insurance or address change, want to make a credit card payment, or have related concerns. If you would like to make a payment for services to Iowa Pathology Associates, the address is P.O. Box 1759, Des Moines, IA 50306. Please write your account number on your check. If you would like to make a cash payment, the billing service is located at 1750 28th Street, West Des Moines, IA 50265.

Why am I getting a bill from Iowa Pathology Associates?
If you have received an invoice from Iowa Pathology Associates (or notification of a charge from your insurance company), it is because your physician sent a tissue sample to our laboratory for pathologic evaluation. Our diagnosis was sent to your physician for his or her assistance in treating your condition or disease. If you should have any specific questions about your pathology results, you are best served to contact your physician.